
The Grand Social Media Experiment. We learn by doing.

A Great Viewpoint On Dealing With Positive or Negative Comments On Your Channel

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The advice I give can be used by individuals, Non-Profits, For-Profits, established or new  businesses just starting out will be the same.

Now I know some may not agree, that a one-stop approach can work for all but give me a moment to share why I believe taking Band-Aid analogy will work.  

The first thing that should be done, would be to acknowledge the situation. Whether it is deemed good or bad, weighs in your favor or not, that should not matter in your decision-making process.

Next step, is to simply Say something! You do not put a band-aid on a bruise. Matter of fact, reaching out or communication with your audience should be a part of your policy when it comes to your Social Media game plan.

A rule of thumb to follow that also makes sense and can save you a headache, if the comments towards you are negative is if someone takes the time out, then you should put the time into responding. It can simply include saying thank you for ________, offering to “take it off-line”, a post of appreciation to statement/response/inquiry or a quick response of your own(you be the judge).

Almost as important as saying something, would be the next step which is to Be Ready ! The beauty of communication is that it creates opportunities, and as a non-profit and such sometimes you create the opportunities with your message but with Social Media the opportunities will come to you.

Lastly get in the habit of recognizing the good and the evil of any situation especially when it involves social media.

Quick Tip: Treat your potential issues like medical advice from a mom. *

You don’t put a Band-Aid on a bruise

you let it air out, fade into a blemish vs a scar(if you pick at it).

How do you know if and when you need a Band-Aid for your Social Media situation? Follow this easy guide:

Is the situation a cut, bruise or is it broken?


Locate it = acknowledgement
Look it over/feel it out = assessment
Clean it up/ clear it out = communicate
Bandage = recognize, build back up, apologize if necessary or warranted.


Locate it = acknowledgement
Look it over/feel it out = assessment
Clean it up/ clear it out = communicate
Medication or ointment = find solutions and rebuild


Call the Dr. = seek advice, fix it, rebrand,go to the”experts”
Heal = (take your medicine what’s dished out)
Recuperate = rebrand, fix it fast, implement new policy or changes

Author: 5oci4lm3di4101

We're a class learning about the ins and outs of social media. We learn by doing.

One thought on “A Great Viewpoint On Dealing With Positive or Negative Comments On Your Channel

  1. This is very true. I think I found a graphic that shows you how to do the same thing. It’s a lot of information to remember. ~Dawnerd

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